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What Can I Do with an MSN-FNP Degree?

执业护士前景看好:执业护士排名第一. 1上 2022 Best Health Care Jobs 来自U的名单.S. 新闻. 它也是 most in-demand medical position for the second year in a row, according to Merritt Hawkins, a national healthcare search and consulting firm.
The future is especially bright for family nurse practitioners (FNPs): Because these advanced practice registered nurses can serve as primary care providers, they can help mitigate the increasing gap between the demand for healthcare and the number of primary care physicians available to provide it.
但MSN-FNP并不仅仅用于家庭护理实践. This article will explore the many ways you can use a Master of Science 在护理-Family Nurse Practitioner, 或MSN-FNP学位.


FNPs诊断, treat and manage acute and chronic diseases while emphasizing health promotion and disease prevention. 虽然他们的实践范围因州而异,但一般包括:

  • 评估病人
  • 订购,执行和解释诊断和实验室测试
  • 做出诊断
  • Initiating and managing treatment, 包括开药和非药物治疗
  • 协调病人的医疗保健团队
  • 咨询
  • 教育患者、他们的家庭和社区

Certain skills can increase an FNP’s salary. Having a focus in one or more of these areas can help you find a position that is right for your area of competency while giving your salary a boost. And according to Payscale, when an FNP有以下10项受欢迎的技能,他们的薪水会增加:

For more salary information, see 家庭护理从业人员工资:我能期望挣多少钱?


Get a FREE guide to help you advance your career, 提供护理专家的有益建议和深思熟虑的见解.



Here are answers to two of the questions frequently asked about FNPs compared to other medical practitioners.


With everything covered by the FNP’s scope of practice and all the skills these practitioners have, it’s no wonder this question is asked. The answer is that FNPs and MDs/DOs are both highly trained medical professionals who can provide primary care services.
There are notable differences, however, in 教育, licensing, ease of access and approach. 而执业护士比注册护士接受更多的培训, they receive less training than doctors. 护理委员会为护士颁发执照,医疗委员会为医学博士颁发执照. And patients can often get an appointment with an FNP, who focuses on disease prevention


是的. An FNP has achieved a higher level of 教育—Master of Science 在护理 versus a bachelor’s or an associate degree—and has more experience than a registered nurse (RN). This results in FNPs having a more advanced role with greater scope and authority than an RN.

Where Can a Family Nurse Practitioner Work?

Because nurses with  MSN-FNP degrees are trained to provide family-focused healthcare services to patients of all ages—including infants, 青少年, 成年人和老年人——他们有资格在几乎所有医疗保健机构工作.
Here are a few examples:

Acute or urgent care center—Help assess a patient’s condition, perform sound care and prescribe tests and medications. The center’s fast pace and the unpredictability of patient needs mean you’ll get a range of experiences with different patients and conditions.

College or university student health 诊所—Provide care for illnesses and minor injuries, conduct health screenings and consultations, 提供健康护理和健康教育.

Community health center-发挥资源作用,就适当的卫生做法向公众进行教育和宣传. You may also provide primary care, including taking patient histories, 进行考试, 安排和解释测试并接种疫苗.

Correlational facility—Evaluate patients, conduct health histories and physical examinations, and order laboratory tests. 在任何一天,你都可能看到轻微和更严重的疾病.

Doctor's office or private 诊所-在特定情况下协助医生进行病人护理, see patients without physician oversight. 你在这里看到的病人比在医院或急症护理中心要少, but you are likely to be able to spend more time with your patients and see them on repeat visits.

无家可归的诊所—Depending on the 诊所, provide a patient-centered approach to care with a team that treats the whole patient. Here it’s especially vital that you build a trusting relationship with the patient as well as conduct a medical examination.

临终关怀—Deliver general patient care, communicate with families, and provide emotional support. You will have the privilege of being with a patient and their family during a critical time in their lives.

医院—Provide patient care in various settings, from the emergency room to the maternity ward. You’ll gain experience with a variety of conditions and patients while working non-traditional hours on your shifts.

In-home care programs-为慢性病患者提供居家护理, including conducting assessments, 诊断, 提供治疗, and evaluating patient care. This is another setting where you’ll be able to develop a relationship with your patient over time.

大老板—Evaluate, diagnose, treat and educate patients at a corporation’s on-site health 诊所. You may treat episodic and acute conditions, 进行预防性健康或生物特征筛查, and administer immunizations on any given day.

Long-term care facility—Provide a range of health services, including 诊断 and managing health conditions. 你可以比在大多数情况下更长的时间和同样的病人一起工作, and the pace is generally a little slower.

Movie set medical team-确保布景和演员的安全,并提供医疗保障. During the COVID pandemic, 片场医疗队在现场提供了新冠病毒检测和疫苗接种.

门诊-类似于在私人医生办公室或诊所工作, 但在门诊中心,病人去做小手术和治疗.

Retail 诊所 or convenient care 诊所-提供从治疗轻伤到医疗保健的许多方面, 从发烧和感冒到注射流感疫苗、进行免疫接种和COVID测试, 这些诊所可以是独立的,也可以是大型商店. 你会看到病人在那里,因为方便,费用合理.

学校诊所 -为感染、偏头痛、哮喘和其他慢性疾病提供护理. 进行风险评估和强制筛查(听证会), 愿景), provide physical exams, educate students about health issues, and prescribe medications and immunizations. You especially must be a team player here because you’ll likely need to collaborate with mental health therapists, 精神科医生, 牙医, health educators and supervising physicians.

远程医疗-支持更广泛的地理和社会经济范围的患者. FNPs can be especially valuable on these digital platforms because their extensive knowledge enables them to assess a wide range of health issues quickly.

Alternative Career Options for FNPs

Once you have your MSN-FNP degree, 您不仅能够在各种医疗保健环境中作为FNP工作, 但你也可以探索其他的职业选择. 这些包括:

运用你的技能, 教育, and first-hand experience to help prepare the next generation of nurses by serving as a faculty member in a nursing school or teaching hospital. 你也可以为护士设计、实施、评估和修改教育计划.


在涉及医疗保健或伤害的案件中分析证词和医疗报告, serve as an expert witness, and provide testimony. You can work for government agencies, law firms, healthcare facilities and insurance companies.

为教育机构撰写健康内容, 营销公司, 杂志, 网络媒体, pharmaceutical companies, 等. Research or write books. As a freelance writer, you can set your hours and work as much or as little as you like—there is plenty of work!
An FNP can also be a travel nurse, 或者是本地十人, 例如,这意味着护士填补了一个机构的临时人员需求, 一个医院, 诊所, 或家里. Being locum tenens provides nurse practitioners with good pay and the freedom to choose where they live and work.
fnp的就业前景非常好:不仅如此 employment expected to grow 52% through 2030据美国媒体报道.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 但是拥有硕士学位的工作方式是多种多样的.
Prepare yourself for this exciting career providing holistic care to patients of all ages by choosing mg不朽情缘游戏网址’s flexible online M.S. 在护理-Family Nurse Practitioner track. 通过它, you’ll gain the knowledge and 诊所al skills to assess and manage common acute and chronic illnesses, 促进个人一生的健康和预防疾病. 如果你已经在mg不朽情缘试玩的其他专业获得了MSN学位 post-graduate FNP 证书 or 护理实践博士-家庭护士执业(DNP-FNP) 课程将帮助您转换职业道路,成为FNP.
Learn more about the program, its many options and how you can earn your MSN-FNP degree in 27 months.

Find out how to take your nursing career further with advice from real nursing professionals.