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What Can You Do With an MBA in Finance?

The world of finance is vast—and growing. In fact, according to labor analytics firm Lightcast, the U.S. government predicts that finance-related jobs will grow 10.9% by 2032. 但如果你想在这个竞争激烈的领域进入高级财务职位,你需要脱颖而出. 最好的方法之一就是获得金融工商管理硕士(MBA)学位.

Not only is an MBA a great way to gain the skills needed for finance roles, but it’s also a powerful investment in your future. 根据Lightcast, 2022年,要求MBA学位的金融职位的广告工资中值为120美元,每年200美元, with plenty of opportunities to achieve even higher rates of pay.


金融专业的MBA是一个研究生学位,它结合了标准MBA学位的广泛管理课程和高级金融主题的重点课程. 这个学位是面向那些希望在各个行业担任财务领导或行政职务的专业学生的.

While the specific time to completion varies between programs, 完成金融MBA学位通常需要一到两年的全日制学习. mg不朽情缘游戏网址灵活的在线金融MBA课程最短可在12个月内完成, 虽然学生可以按照自己的节奏注册课程,以适应他们的职业和个人生活.

了解更多 about what makes an MBA in finance unique. 

什么是金融MBA Used for?

从成为首席执行官到担任专门的财务职位, the options are endless with an MBA in Finance. 这一领域的职位有望持续增长,并提供极具竞争力的薪酬, according to 2022 data from Lightcast. Common career options and salaries for MBA in finance graduates include:

财务经理与商业领袖一起制定和实施帮助公司发展的计划. 他们还确保公司即使在动荡时期也能保持财务稳定. 财务经理的日常任务包括财务报告和指导投资活动. 

  • 平均年薪:131,706美元
  • 736,000 positions in the United States
  • 到2032年预计增长:16.4%

Financial and Investment Analyst
Financial and investment analysts typically work at brokerages, financial advisory firms or investment banks. 而他们的具体职责取决于他们工作的组织类型, 金融和投资分析师通常负责帮助公司和个人使用定量分析选择投资对象. 

  • 平均年薪:91,582美元
  •  311,000 positions in the United States
  • 到2032年预计增长:8%.5%

What matters most when choosing a master’s program? Compare features, benefits and cost to find the right school for you.


个人财务顾问帮助个人制定和执行计划,以实现他们的财务目标. 这包括退休储蓄、房地产投资、税务规划等方面的建议. Some personal financial advisors work for financial planning firms, while others run their own private practices. 

  • 平均年薪:94,162美元
  •  277,000 positions in the United States
  • 到2032年预计增长:11%.4%

MBA in finance graduates also take on numerous other financial positions. 这些角色包括为州或联邦政府工作,担任财务监督角色, 管理保险或福利基金或从事证券或商品合约的工作. 愿意学习新行业的专业人士可以在金融服务领域找到大量独特的机会. 

  • Median annual salary:  $73,237
  • 134,000 positions in the United States
  • 到2032年预计增长:7%.4%

Is an MBA in Finance Right for You?

Taking on a graduate program is a big decision. It’s important to reflect on your career goals, personal strengths and likes and dislikes carefully before enrolling. 而金融MBA课程将帮助你发展职业成功所需的技能, 在以下方面的舒适将帮助你充分利用你的计划. 

  • 解决问题的技巧: 财务领导角色需要解决一系列复杂的问题. Do you enjoy troubleshooting and finding new ways to approach challenges?
  • 会计技能: While an MBA in finance is not an accounting degree, 熟悉复杂的公司会计流程对几乎任何财务职位都是必不可少的. 你对细节有很强的关注能力,并能运用批判性思维来推动决策吗?
  •  财务报告技能: 财务报告, the process of documenting and sharing a company’s financial health, is a critical task in many finance roles.有效组织和沟通复杂信息的能力将帮助你在这个领域取得成功.
  • 分析能力: 在金融领域取得成功, 你需要能够分析大量的信息,并用它来做出明智的决定. Consider whether you enjoy solving puzzles—especially under pressure.
  • 技术技能: 在你攻读MBA期间, 你将学习如何使用软件和建模来制定财务计划和预测. Are you comfortable learning and using new digital tools? 


攻读金融MBA也需要投入大量的时间和精力. 许多传统的全日制MBA课程很难在职业和个人责任之间取得平衡. 另一方面, Franklin’s 在线 MBA program is designed for working professionals, 确保学生在学习期间保持自己的赚钱能力和能力,以支持自己和家人. Choosing to enroll in an MBA program part time, 全职, 在线, 还是面谈最终是个人的决定,你应该根据自己的具体情况做出决定.

Take Your Next 一步 with an MBA in Finance at Franklin

无论你是希望经营一家公司还是帮助个人获得财务成功, an MBA in finance can help set you up for success. Our 在线 degree program can be completed in as little as 12 months, putting you on the path to advancement in no time at all. mg不朽情缘游戏网址理解你在处理个人和工作的多重事务, mg不朽情缘游戏网址设计的MBA课程最大限度地提高了灵活性,帮助你毫不犹豫地获得学位. 

At Franklin, we believe in learning by doing. 这意味着除了课程之外,您还将通过使用行业领先的软件和工具进行模拟和实践项目学习. 当你毕业的时候,你会准备好接受现实世界中任何角色的严峻挑战.

了解更多 about how an MBA in Finance at Franklin can help you meet your goals.
