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An argument could be made that in the next 10 years family nurse practitioners (FNPs) will be the lynchpin of the American healthcare system. 根据 美国.S. 劳工统计局 在美国,增长最快的职业将是执业护士. 仅fnp的预期就业增长是由工资来预测的.到2032年,这一比例将达到36%.

许多注册护士回到教室攻读护理学硕士(MSN)。. But before an RN starts down a degree track they will inevitably ask themselves one question: Is pursuing an MSN-FNP worth it?



作为护士从业人员在医疗保健服务中发挥更大的作用, 这些职位的学历要求正在发生变化.

“过去的20年, numerous nursing organizations have endorsed the 护理实践博士 (DNP) degree as the entry-level for Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) practice,詹妮弗·凡·温克尔说, DNP候选人, MSN, ACNP-BC, FNP-BC, mg不朽情缘游戏网址FNP主席, msn -通才和msn -护士管理员项目. “Transitioning to a DNP degree as a new standard ensures that APRNs are equipped to manage complex clinical situations, recognize issues in healthcare delivery and work on quality improvement to improve patient care outcomes.”

仍然, 凡·温克尔说, an MSN-FNP degree should not be discounted by nurses seeking higher levels of educational attainment.

“护理学硕士(MSN)学位仍然是一个有效的选择,”她说. “Students can still obtain a master's degree and become licensed to practice in one of four APRN roles. Students that choose to start with an MSN degree have the option to continue their education later and pursue a DNP degree.”

MSN-FNP -什么是投资回报率? 

根据U.S. 新闻 & 世界报告,硕士学位的平均成本是5万美元. 但攻读这个学位不仅仅是一项财务投资, 这也是一种时间投资, 努力与激情. Before making these investments it’s good to stop and consider the ROI (Return on Investment). 

每个学生的投资回报率都是不同的,并受到许多因素的影响. 它可能是关于学位的成本vs. 长期收益. (根据Lightcast™数据,该职位的平均工资中位数为120,682美元.) Or you can measure ROI through the skills you’ll gain in the degree program vs the time spent in class.   

当考虑到追求家庭护士执业学位的投资回报率时, the cost of education versus the earning potential is only one of the factors to consider,凡·温克尔说. “注册护士的工资比注册护士高, 他们有更大的自主权和职业发展的机会. 通过提供以家庭为中心的整体服务而有所作为, 循证护理是fnp工作的核心."




获得一个免费的指导来帮助你提升你的职业生涯, 提供护理专家的有益建议和深思熟虑的见解.


1. 旅行执业护士
The need for traveling nurses really came to light in 2020 as areas were being overwhelmed by the COVID pandemic and calls went out for healthcare support. Traveling nurses have a tremendous amount of flexibility and freedom to select when and where they want to work.

2. 法医执业护士
CSI. 海军罪案调查处. 昆西. 流行的娱乐节目对这一独特的护理角色给予了强烈的关注. The responsibilities are straightforward — you’ll work with law enforcement and other medical professionals to evaluate victims and gather medical evidence. 这是一个集医疗、侦探和辩护工作于一体的角色.

3. 邮轮执业护士 
It’s a traveling nurse position, but to the extreme as you’ll be providing care around the world. 是的, you’re bound to get some beach time but in this role you’re also constantly on-call. You’ll need to be quick thinking and resourceful as you’ll treat “common” illnesses and those that come from exposures in the regions the ship visits.

4. 临床医生护理提供者
因为他们独特的技能和实践能力, fnp特别适合在个别诊所提供治疗和护理. These clinics can be in populated areas or in rural locations where they offer the only care across multiple counties. Serving the underserved is an important responsibility for nurses in these practice settings.

5. 学生健康中心护理人员
Mid-to-large universities often have a health center where they provide for the basic medical needs of their students and staff. 这些角色的护士执行检查, 开药, 点实验室, 提供疫苗接种,可以帮助解决药物和酒精滥用问题.

6. 便利护理诊所提供者    
Retailers and pharmacies have added in-store, “Quick Care” medical services for customers. Working in this space, you would be providing on-demand care to a wide range of patients. 

7. 惩教设施护士
惩教设施的护士提供预定的护理并探视急症患者. 惩教机构中的FNPs需要多才多艺、注意力集中、反应灵敏. 

“fnp接受培训,提供终身护理, 从出生到生命终结,FNPs在不同的环境中实践, 包括诊所, 紧急护理, 学校环境和医院. 而fnp治疗疾病, their primary goal is to help patients achieve optimal wellness through health promotion, 疾病预防和患者教育,凡·温克尔说.


有很多原因可能会迫使你追求MSN-FNP. 有些可能是个人原因,有些则更为实际. 以下是人们攻读这个学位的五个更普遍的原因.

1. 增加与病人的互动

使用MSN-FNP,您可以在患者护理方面获得一定程度的自主权. 这取决于你在哪里练习, you may even be able to move away from needing physician supervision and be able to practice independently.

2. 提高收入潜力

根据Lightcast™数据,该职位的平均工资为120,682美元. 收入最低的10%的人年收入为79,477美元,而收入最高的10%的人平均年收入为163,364美元.

3. 提高提供专业护理的能力

fnp为医疗保健社区提供的好处之一, 这也是很多fnp从业者喜欢自己工作的原因之一, 他们可以为更广泛的患者群体提供护理吗. 随着时间的推移, FNPs may develop a special affinity for helping a certain patient population or treating a segment of multiple patient populations who all have the same care needs. 

An MSN-FNP program provides a nurse with the ability to focus on that area of care so that it can become their practice area post-graduation.

4. 扩大你在病人护理中的作用

An MSN-FNP allows you to expand your role in patient care with newly earned clinical knowledge, 批判性思维能力和解决问题的能力.

5. 打开新工作机会的大门

拥有MSN-FNP,工作前景非常乐观. 这是国家的需要. That means with your MSN degree and FNP certification you’ll have a wide pool of available jobs to consider. And you’ll broaden the types of jobs and practice settings where you can actively practice.


Every situation is different and it’s important to consider all the pros and cons around pursuing an MSN-FNP before making the commitment. The three most common reasons that someone doesn’t enroll in an MSN-FNP degree track are:

1. 你不确定你想要选择什么样的专业化道路

FNPs have an opportunity to specialize in the care that they provide and earning their MSN prepares them for that. 有些护士更喜欢跨学科工作.

2. 你不确定你是否想在这个领域中度过一段职业生涯

如果你对自己的事业很满意,也不觉得自己有什么不同, 那么MSN可能不是你需要的. 你当然可以继续提供你一直享受到退休的那种照顾.

3. 你不想承担高级角色的法律责任

作为一名FNP,你有责任审查医疗记录, 点测试, 管理处方,当然还有制定护理计划. It’s a holistic level of care that some nurses shy away from because it leaves them open to legal repercussions.  


You’ll want to pursue your MSN-FNP at a university that offers what you need from an education standpoint and what you want for a school/work/life balance.

来满足这些需求, mg不朽情缘游戏网址 offers a flexible MSN-FNP degree program led by working nurses with deep expertise and hands-on experience in the field. 

开始你的MSN之旅,探索 mg不朽情缘游戏网址MSN-FNP入学要求 以及项目细节,看看你如何在护理生涯中迈出下一步.

Find out how to take your nursing career further with advice from real nursing professionals.